Dnia 2013-09-28, o godz. 16:50:09 Charles Millar <mill...@verizon.net> napisaĆ(a):
> On 9/28/2013 3:52 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote: > > Aloha Carsten, > > > snip > > First, I think that most statements about "what Org-mode is" are > > outdated. Many of them are quite good, but they represent the > > previous state of an evolving system and so fail to capture the > > full scope. To my mind, Org-mode is a "research programming > > interface" written by and for scientists who take very seriously > > certain core values of the scientific enterprise--reproducibility, > > open access, and open source (a partial list). > Strongly disagree with the sentiment. My undergraduate degree may > gave been Physics, but I work as a freelance paralegal. I use Org > Mode for project (file) planning, scheduling, drafting documents, > etc. Also, I believe that there are some very active participants on > this list who are not scientists and have made great contributions. +1. Although I'm also a scientist (mathematics), I used Org-mode /once/ for science, and it turned out that I felt very much constrained and quickly got back to LaTeX, where I felt much more comfortable. > > Its original focus on project planning has expanded with two > > amazing and fundamental contributions, Eric and Dan's mature Babel > > implementation and Nicolas' new export framework. > I use the LaTeX export to create pdf documents, such as contracts and > pleadings, nothing "scientific" there. Sometimes I will export to > utf-8 text file, so I can copy and paste into "those other" document > formats. (Sorry to say, but most of the US legal community is still > MS Word and WordPerfect oriented.) I believe that I can eventually > use Org-Babel for reproducible "research", research being more other > than scientific. For me, Org-mode is /mainly/ a planner, outliner, scheduler, clocking device and a tool to write blog posts. I use Org spreadsheets just a little bit. As I mentioned, I work heavily with LaTeX (and beamer), but do not use Org-mode for that (maybe apart from the initial stage) -- I am comfortable with LaTeX (using AUCTeX, of course), so Org-mode export does nothing for me. This seems to confirm that Org is quite flexible and can be adapted to a variety of workflows. Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University