On 28 September 2013, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Can we have a discussion here on how this path should look like?
When you came to Org-mode as a newby, what were the three resources
that really made an impression on by being accessible and
providing feel and promise for digging deeper?

I'm fairly new to Org; I started just when it moved to version 8. I'd been using outline mode or Markdown for notes and that was good enough for the way I managed my tasks, but what drew me over was:

- the compact guide and Organize Your Life in Plain Text, which showed how much more Org does than to-do lists - seeing how I could embed code in a document with Babel, and view images inside Emacs - seeing how I could export to Latex but still make everything look the way I like by including my usual header commands

The more I began to use Org for my own notes and research, and saw how other people managed their work in it, the more I saw in Org and the more I'd try. (Talks like John Kitchin's sealed the deal.)

I'm grateful to everyone that's helped with the documentation or posted snippets on blogs or Stack Overflow ... there are lots of times when I'm not sure how to get something working but find a perfect example somewhere.

William Denton
Toronto, Canada

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