On 14.3.2013, at 20:53, Jay Kerns <gjkerns...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reading my message again, it doesn't say what I wanted it to say, and
> it sounds in my head not in the way I wanted it to sound.  Let me try
> again, with more words:
> That's totally fine by me, I meant it when I said "OK if you don't
> want to do that", and I don't want a silly thing like a posting guide
> idea of mine to be wasting people's time any more than I want
> malicious comments from hostile lone users to be wasting people's
> time.
> I hope that sounds better; it is closer to what I meant.


However, the idea in the thread to collect a few exemplary
post with great questions or great answers could be fun...


- Carsten

> Sorry for the noise,
> -- 
> Jay

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