On 13 mrt. 2013, at 22:07, Jay Kerns <gjkerns...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Bastien,
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Bastien <b...@altern.org> wrote:
>> Hi Jay,
>> Well, I would not invest too much time on this, personally.
> No, you don't seem to be bothered at all; those attacks seem to
> wash off you like water off a duck's back, or scandals off of Bill
> Clinton's resume.  ;-)
>> From experience, such a drafting process takes a lot of time.  And at
>> the end, you're not always sure that the whole community comes: to an
>> agreement... only the ones who care, who are obviously not the ones
>> the guidelines want to reach.
> Drafting takes about five seconds. In fact, let me do one right now:
> "Please note that messages to the emacs-orgmode list are expected
> to be civil and focused toward our mutual interest of Org
> mode. /Ad hominem/ or other attacks of a personal nature will not
> be tolerated by the community."
> Any strenuous objections?


it seems to me that this is entirely superfluous.  I have not seen a mailing 
lit with better behavior anywhere.  We should not be distracted by a lone user.

>> Why not trying another approach and have a hall of fame for great
>> posts sent on this lists?  Examples of good/thorough explanations,
>> example of detailed bug reports, etc.  It would be both encouraging
>> and educating, maybe.
>> What do you think?

A great idea.

- Carsten

> I think that's a great idea!, actually.  My mental catalogue of
> excellent posts probably isn't as extensive as yours, but even
> just last night I got a great response that fits a Hall of Fame
> in my book. Surely there must be other people who got a great
> response to some question they asked at some point in their past.
> -- 
> Jay

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