Dear Tom,

Perfect - that's just what I'm looking for.  And that's exactly what I'll

On Mar 13, 2013 6:16 PM, "Thomas S. Dye" <> wrote:

> Aloha Jay,
> Jay Kerns <> writes:
> >
> > That's my point: I propose that we, as a community, come to some
> > sort of consensus as to what un/acceptable behavior is and an
> > accepted mechanism of response.  One way to accomplish this is
> > with a posting guide. I have some thoughts about this:
> >
> > 1. It should be written and maintained by the community. On
> > Worg, for instance.
> Worg has a brief description of the mailing list, including list
> etiquette:
> It tries to stay away from prescription, and it deliberately avoids
> mentioning all the bad behaviors that can be found on mailing lists.
> Please feel free to edit so it suits!
> All the best,
> Tom
> --
> Thomas S. Dye

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