Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> I offer to take over maintainership of Org.

What's your point ? Trolling ? If not, why do you ask questions in a way
that will upset people ? I think it's ok to focus on the code, and focus
on what will make the software better and more efficient for as many
people as possible, but you cannot make an unrealistic offer (don't tell
me you had not foreseen the many negative responses) and then just
somehow say "Too bad for you, I offered to save your souls and you
refused it."

Anyway, considering the current state of the discussion, I think
everybody's time, including yours, is being misused

> Note: Anger is futile, particularly over the internet.

Sure it is ; but you do look angry.

Trying to get back on the topic, IIUC you're saying that the maintainer
should focus on code, while "community management" (e.g. spending a
great amount of time answering on the lists and getting thanked for it)
should be in someone else's hand. Is it what you meant or did I
misinterpret your statements? Maybe you could also elaborate on why you
proposed a takeover instead of collaborating with the current maintainer.


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