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On 14/02/13 07:45, Jambunathan K wrote:
> (Discussion is meta.  So bear with my amateurish excursions.)
> Some times the best question to ask is NOT "What I stand to gain?" but "What 
> I/We stand to
> lose?".  Are the overheads worth it in the long run?

Yes - we want to know - tell us and don't talk in riddles.

Try to convince us, or hold forever your peace. Unless you can convince me / us 
that you would be
a better maintainer, Bastien has my full support.

And please - let us go back to the useful community org was.



> Everyone wants to gain all the time without losing anything.  I call that 
> interesting.
> Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:
>> You seem to stand out in the mob.  So some personal hugs from side.
>>>> Offer closes in 7 days.  Only pre-condition will be that Org-8.0 and 
>>>> subsequent releases
>>>> happen under my supervision.
>>> Is there something in particular about the forthcoming 8.0 that you would 
>>> want done
>>> differently from how it currently is being done? Considering Bastien's 
>>> current plan is to
>>> push towards releasing it in the near future.
>> I wish more people ask an open-ended question rather than sit in judgement 
>> seat.  Trial by
>> jury is always interesting.  (There is also an interesting movie I have seen 
>> on this topic,
>> decades ago.)
>>> I appreciate the org-odt exporter, I haven't had much use for it but what I 
>>> have had to use
>>> it for it worked perfectly.  However your attitude in the past has often 
>>> struck me as
>>> abrasive or argumentative when there was little to no reason for it.  
>>> Either there's some 
>>> underlying reason for your apparent dislike for Bastien and his approach to 
>>> maintaining
>>> Org, or some argument in the past that I am not aware of.
>> Why would most people think that I am a moron.  The last line is exemplary 
>> of what the jury
>> and the judge should mull about.
>> ps-1: I refuse to answer your questions.  The debate and offer is on my 
>> terms if people don't
>> understand it.
>> ps-2: I am calling everyone's bluff, if you haven't realized it already. 
>> (Believe me, I am
>> not acting like a smart donkey here.)
>> ps-3: An extra and a proven hand helps particularly in volunteer driven 
>> efforts.  My palm
>> could be stinking?  Does that mean my code stinks.  Most people would rather 
>> talk, than look,
>> think, ask or do?

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