It works perfectly ! Thanks a lot.

Le lun. 14 janv. 2013 13:56:50 CET, Carsten Dominik a écrit :

On 14 jan. 2013, at 11:25, Xavier Garrido <> wrote:

Hi orgmoders,

I am looking for a simple way to SEND all org tables in a given document to 
their RECEIVER counterparts. Of course, I can go through the whole document and 
do `org-table-send` one-by-one but I would like to do it without opening the 
document and for all tables at the same time. Is there a way ?

Thanks for your help and advices,

Hi Xavier,

this should do the trick (untested):

(defun my-org-send-all-tables ()
       (lambda () (orgtbl-send-table 'maybe))))


- Carsten


 |__     GARRIDO Xavier       Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire
  /\     NEMO                 Université Paris-Sud 11
 /--\ UMR 8607
 |     Batiment 200
 |__     +33    91898 Orsay Cedex, France

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