Suvayu Ali <> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:25:27AM +0100, Xavier Garrido wrote:
>> Hi orgmoders,
>> I am looking for a simple way to SEND all org tables in a given document to
>> their RECEIVER counterparts. Of course, I can go through the whole document
>> and do `org-table-send` one-by-one but I would like to do it without opening
>> the document and for all tables at the same time. Is there a way ?
>> Thanks for your help and advices,
> I do not see any other way 

There is a way

> but writing some elisp code of your own.  

Why not have Emacs write it for you?  You dictate and Emacs will type
out the elisp code.

> It should be simple to do, I think.

Not simpler than resorting to macros.

Here is how.  Just hints.  OP should help himself.


Begin macro, do stuff, end macro,

        C-x (, do stuff, C-x )

Execute macro 
        C-x e

Or provide a local, on-the-move binding and execute it.
        C-x C-k b

Name the macro and store it as a command in your .emacs.
        C-x C-k n, M-x insert-kbd-macro

Run the stored macro from batch script  (Hint: C-h v org-export-as-html-batch)
       emacs --batch --load=~/MyInitStuff.el --visit=MyFile --funcall 


For help with jumping to relevant Info portions, do

        C-h K C-x (
        C-h K C-x C-k n

(Note the CAPITAL `K' above)

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