Thank you all,
Le lun. 14 janv. 2013 14:58:32 CET, Jambunathan K a écrit :
Jambunathan K <> writes:
Suvayu Ali <> writes:
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:25:27AM +0100, Xavier Garrido wrote:
Hi orgmoders,
I am looking for a simple way to SEND all org tables in a given document to
their RECEIVER counterparts. Of course, I can go through the whole document
and do `org-table-send` one-by-one but I would like to do it without opening
the document and for all tables at the same time. Is there a way ?
Thanks for your help and advices,
I do not see any other way
There is a way
but writing some elisp code of your own.
Why not have Emacs write it for you? You dictate and Emacs will type
out the elisp code.
It should be simple to do, I think.
Not simpler than resorting to macros.
Here is how. Just hints. OP should help himself.
Here is what I (or rather Emacs) came up with. The Elisp snippet has
control characters, so see the attachment.
Put that in to your .emacs or C-x C-e it.
Then, if you know that your file has no more than N (say 100) tables, do
C-x C-f myfile.html
C-u 100 M-x send-table RET
You are done.
Begin macro, do stuff, end macro,
C-x (, do stuff, C-x )
Execute macro
C-x e
Or provide a local, on-the-move binding and execute it.
C-x C-k b
Name the macro and store it as a command in your .emacs.
C-x C-k n, M-x insert-kbd-macro
Run the stored macro from batch script (Hint: C-h v org-export-as-html-batch)
emacs --batch --load=~/MyInitStuff.el --visit=MyFile --funcall
For help with jumping to relevant Info portions, do
C-h K C-x (
C-h K C-x C-k n
(Note the CAPITAL `K' above)
|__ GARRIDO Xavier Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire
/\ NEMO Université Paris-Sud 11
/--\ UMR 8607
| Batiment 200
|__ +33 91898 Orsay Cedex, France