On Thu, Aug 16 2012, Eric Schulte wrote:

>>> Every time I edited a block and clicked "save", it just deleted the
>>> whole block. I got these errors in ~/.elnodelogs/elnode-error:
>> I'm not sure what could be causing this problem.  Did the test suite run
>> successfully for you?
> I've now added a POST test to the test suite.  So if your problem
> persists you should now see a failing test, and conversely if you are
> now passing the test suite this problem should be eliminated.

So yes, I did run the tests the first time, and you're right that,
without the "post" test, they went just fine. The documents were also
altered on-disk (ie, the chunks really were deleted). I updated
org-ehtml to get the new tests, and the "post" test failed thusly:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
F org-ehtml-post-request
       (string-match "<i>foo</i>" html))
      (string-match "<i>foo</i>"
                    #("\n<p><em>foo</em>\n</p>" 0 17
                      (fontified t front-sticky
                                 (field inhibit-line-move-field-capture)
                                 rear-nonsticky t field output 
inhibit-line-move-field-capture t)
                      17 21
                      (fontified t front-sticky
                                 (field inhibit-line-move-field-capture)
                                 rear-nonsticky t field output 
inhibit-line-move-field-capture t)))
      :value nil))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

This is still with my regular emacs environment.

Then I restarted emacs -Q and used your batch.el file. I'm still getting
the same problem, unfortunately: the editable blocks disappear when I
hit "save". I realized I don't actually know whether this is supposed to
edit the simple.org or simple.html files: anyway, the text disappears
from the org file, but not from the html file. Here's the output of

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Mark set [2 times]
deleting server process
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error
found the server process - NOT deleting
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error [5 times]
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/org-ehtml
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error [11 times]
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/org-ehtml
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error [9 times]
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/org-ehtml
Loading vc-git...done
Saving file /home/eric/.emacs.d/org-ehtml/test/examples/simple.org...
Wrote /home/eric/.emacs.d/org-ehtml/test/examples/simple.org
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error
Saving file /tmp/org-22133iXI...
Wrote /tmp/org-22133iXI
Exporting... [2 times]
HTML export done, pushed to kill ring and clipboard
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error [8 times]
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/org-ehtml
Saving file /home/eric/.emacs.d/org-ehtml/test/examples/simple.org...
Wrote /home/eric/.emacs.d/org-ehtml/test/examples/simple.org
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error
Saving file /tmp/org-22133vhO...
Wrote /tmp/org-22133vhO
Exporting... [2 times]
HTML export done, pushed to kill ring and clipboard
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error [5 times]
Making completion list...
deleting server process          ; here I called (elnode-stop 3333) explicitly)
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error
found the server process - NOT deleting
Added to /home/eric/.elnodelogs/elnode-error
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And the elnode error file:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
20120816123716: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* with buffer *elnode-webserver*
20120816123716: Elnode server stopped
20120816123751: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer nil
20120816123751: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> open 
20120816123751: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer nil
20120816123752: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> open 
20120816123752: filter: calling handler on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123752: starting HTTP response on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123752: Elnode-child-process init *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123752: filter: handler returned on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123752: Elnode-child-process-filter http state: open data length: 4096 
on *elnode-webserver-proc* <>
20120816123752: Elnode-child-process-filter http state: open data length: 4096 
on *elnode-webserver-proc* <>
20120816123753: Elnode-child-process-filter http state: open data length: 1286 
on *elnode-webserver-proc* <>
20120816123753: Elnode-child-process-sentinel Status @ finished: open -> exit 
on *elnode-webserver-proc* <>
20120816123753: elnode--http-end ending socket *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123753: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer  *elnode-request-41647*
20120816123753: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> deleted
20120816123755: filter: calling handler on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123755: starting HTTP response on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123755: elnode--process-send-eof on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123755: elnode--http-end ending socket *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123755: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer  *elnode-request-41649*
20120816123755: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> deleted
20120816123755: filter: handler returned on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123842: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer nil
20120816123842: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> open 
20120816123842: filter: calling handler on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123843: starting HTTP response on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123843: elnode--process-send-eof on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123843: elnode--http-end ending socket *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123843: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer  *elnode-request-41660*
20120816123843: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> deleted
20120816123843: filter: handler returned on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123909: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer nil
20120816123909: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> open 
20120816123909: filter: calling handler on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123910: starting HTTP response on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123910: elnode--process-send-eof on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123910: elnode--http-end ending socket *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123910: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* <> with buffer  *elnode-request-41664*
20120816123910: Elnode status: *elnode-webserver-proc* <> deleted
20120816123910: filter: handler returned on *elnode-webserver-proc* 
20120816123943: elnode--sentinel 'deleted.' for process  
*elnode-webserver-proc* with buffer *elnode-webserver*
20120816123943: Elnode server stopped
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.11)
 of 2012-08-14 on pellet

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