Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@gmx.com> writes:
> With respect to security, elnode has a simple authentication system
> which seems to work well in my local trials.  It has no forms for
> setting passwords online, so users would have to generate a hash of
> their password locally, and then send the hash to someone who would
> manually add it to the elnode authentication database on orgmode.org.
> During authentication the hashed password is sent in plain text, so we
> would need to run the elnode server behind an https proxy server.  I
> don't think this would be difficult to implement and is a good idea for
> any system with authentication.

Thanks for those details.

> With respect to integration with the existing Worg, this system should
> work well in concert with the git backend.  Git could still be used for
> offline edits as it is currently.  The org-ehtml server could be
> configured to commit all web edits to git.  A conflict checker would be
> needed, which could be added to the `org-ehtml-before-save-hook'.

I think a page should be locked when a user is editing it through
org-ehtml.el.  This would prevent conflicts from concurrent editing
from the web.

As for conflicts between the .org to be written (from org-ehtml) and 
the .org that might have been pushed trough git, what would be the
behavior?  Discard this edit?  Use org-merge-driver to help resolve
the conflict?  Let the user download the .org he has been editing, 
so that his changes are not lost?

This is still quite unclear to me.  

In any case, we should first try this on a prototype for a while and 
see if this is robust enough.


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