
I've recently put together a web server which runs in Emacs and exports
local Org-mode files to HTML in such a way that they may be edited from
within a web browser with the edits saved to local files on disk.  The
code is available from github.

         repository ---- https://github.com/eschulte/org-ehtml
          README ------- http://eschulte.github.com/org-ehtml

This is a very thin Emacs Lisp and JavaScript wrapper around Nic
Ferrier's elnode Emacs web server [1], and Nicolas Goaziou's structured
Org-mode file representation and export engine.  It requires Emacs 24
and the development versions of both Org-mode and elnode.

The code is fairly new so there are likely some kinks to be worked out
(backup your files before editing them with this web-server), but the
implementation is very simple and should be easy to modify.  See the
README for information on how to make use of elnode's authentication
system, or how to have web edits automatically committed to a local
version control system.

Comments and patches are welcome.


[1]  https://github.com/nicferrier/elnode

Eric Schulte

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