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On Jan 27, 2012, at 8:31 AM, Jambunathan K <> wrote:

> Tom 
> The aspect I am exploring is this:
> Does numbering behavious occur uniformly for a *given* level? For
> example, are we talking of a scenario where level 3 heading in Tree-1 is
> numbered while level 3 heading on a Tree-2 is unnumbered. What would be
> the behaviour of level 4 heading in Tree-1.
> It seems to me, that an unnumbered heading is a mnemonic(?) for creating
> a paragraph (albeit a short one) that is styled very much like a
> heading. When one looks at a printed document, one doesn't really know
> what mechanism were used to achieve a particular typesetting effect and
> there could be multiple mechanisms by which the same effect could be
> achieved.

LaTeX formats \section* just like \section, except it is not numbered even if 
\section is, it doesn't change the numbering of subsequent \sections, and it 
does not appear in TOC. 

> If the above paragraph is true , I think the right thing to do would be
> to associate a paragraph style with *just* the heading component of an
> Org's outline level and leave it to the exporter what particular code it
> wants to emit.
> -- 

At some point a property would be useful. Back ends could deal with it 


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