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On Jan 27, 2012, at 9:21 AM, Achim Gratz <> wrote:

> Jambunathan K <> writes:
>> Does numbering behavious occur uniformly for a *given* level? For
>> example, are we talking of a scenario where level 3 heading in Tree-1 is
>> numbered while level 3 heading on a Tree-2 is unnumbered. What would be
>> the behaviour of level 4 heading in Tree-1.
> You can make any level heading unnumbered in LaTeX by adding a "*" to
> the section command, without affecting other headings on the same
> level.  You can also specify a different entry to appear in the TOC than
> in the document — albeit the purpose is to have a short form of the heading
> in the TOC and the full heading in the document, you can actually
> specify two totally different strings.

Yes, TOC and running heads if the class defines them. 

>> It seems to me, that an unnumbered heading is a mnemonic(?) for creating
>> a paragraph (albeit a short one) that is styled very much like a
>> heading.
> No, LaTeX has \paragraph for that.  LaTeX concerns itself with the
> document structure, it has styles to take care about the formatting.

\paragraph and \subparagraph can both be numbered sections in LaTeX.  The names 
are confusing. Apparently, the alternatives, \subsubsubsection and 
\subsubsubsubsection weren't appealing. 


>> When one looks at a printed document, one doesn't really know
>> what mechanism were used to achieve a particular typesetting effect and
>> there could be multiple mechanisms by which the same effect could be
>> achieved.
> The point of LaTeX is that you don't manually muck with the formatting
> at all.  If it looks like a heading, then it was a heading and not a
> paragraph that's been formatted like a heading.
> Regards,
> Achim.
> -- 
> +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
> Samples for the Waldorf Blofeld:

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