Hi Bastien, Bastien wrote:
> > - The old screenshot conveyed what org-mode was all about. Outlining > > and project planning. The new screenshots take a lot longer to load > > and even if you click on them, their content is not always > > accessible. > > I agree. Feel free to contribute to Worg with relevant screenshots > that we can select as "featured on the index page." Also add title > and caption for these screenshots. I think the old screenshot was good enough. A link beneath it to the screenshot page on Worg would be useful. > > - I don't like this particular type writer font. On a Mac it's very thin > > compared to the serifless font that makes up the normal text. But > > that's just aesthetics. > > > > - I don't like the fixed top bar with the Org-Mode motto and the random > > quote. It takes up about 20% of vertical screen space of my laptop. A > > complete waste in my view. The black background also does not cover > > the text behind it -- one or two pixel of the text are visible above > > the bar. > > Can you make an alternate .css with non-fixed top bar and a better font? Maybe on the weekend, but I can't promise anything. > > - The old homepage had all the easily accessible information on one > > page. So you could go to the homepage, search for "manual" or "mailing > > list" and go on from there. (I sometimes work like that.) The new > > homepage only contains screenshots (that don't convey a lot of > > meaningful information) and the org-mode mission statement. Useful > > information is available but the links are somewhat hidden in the > > description of what org is about and some are hard to find. (E.g. the > > manual is linked with the text "documented extensively".) I believe > > that people quickly scan web pages for relevant information and the > > current format makes that hard. > > I somehow agree that it was good to have everything in one page, but I > don't think that page was *that* readable. In any case, you can always > pull the website (it's just a git repository) and you have everything > in "one directory". I agree that the old page wasn't very readable as it did contain a lot of information. I just don't feel that the new layout is better, on the contrary. Cheers, Viktor