Hi, I honestly liked the old one better. Some of my concrete criticism are:
- The old screenshot conveyed what org-mode was all about. Outlining and project planning. The new screenshots take a lot longer to load and even if you click on them, their content is not always accessible. - I don't like this particular type writer font. On a Mac it's very thin compared to the serifless font that makes up the normal text. But that's just aesthetics. - I don't like the fixed top bar with the Org-Mode motto and the random quote. It takes up about 20% of vertical screen space of my laptop. A complete waste in my view. The black background also does not cover the text behind it -- one or two pixel of the text are visible above the bar. - The old homepage had all the easily accessible information on one page. So you could go to the homepage, search for "manual" or "mailing list" and go on from there. (I sometimes work like that.) The new homepage only contains screenshots (that don't convey a lot of meaningful information) and the org-mode mission statement. Useful information is available but the links are somewhat hidden in the description of what org is about and some are hard to find. (E.g. the manual is linked with the text "documented extensively".) I believe that people quickly scan web pages for relevant information and the current format makes that hard. Cheers, Viktor Bastien wrote: > Dear all, > > I made a small refresh of the website. > > http://orgmode.org > > - random quote (taken from worg/org-quotes.org) > - random screenshot > - twitter feed > - g+/flattr/fb buttons > - french translation (http://orgmode.org/fr/) > > If you want to help with the translation in your language, > please send your public key and I will give you push access. > This is just a bunch of .org files, only 1 hour needed to > translate the whole website. > > Hope you like it! > > -- > Bastien >