Hi Eric,

Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> The only thing I don't particularly care for is the twitter box.  If I
> have the browser visible visiting this page, as I do right now, and
> especially on a separate monitor, I keep getting distracted by motion in
> my peripheral vision!  It's almost worse because of the faint display of
> the box when not hovering over it.  Minor point, mind you;  I just don't
> like animations on web sites...  others will of course disagree!

If people want to get rid of this box in the index* pages, no objection.

But.. wait.. why do you keep the index.html page open then?  I don't
make oops-here-is-another-stupid-bugfix-releases *that* often :)

> Samuel, I'm not sure what you mean here.  I'm using iceweasel 8.0 so am
> not sure what version of Firefox this is but if I increase the font size
> (via C-=) to the maximum size available, things still work mostly
> fine.  

I guess it depends on the screen resolution.  I have a fairly small
screen (on a fairly old computer) and I see what Samuel means...



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