András Major <> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> > > Your file uses #+data: where I use #+tblname: -- which one is the
> > > official one?  I have the impression that it's #+data:, but I haven't
> > > come across that in the manual or elsewhere before.  If #+tblname:
> > > isn't supposed to be used as a target for a variable in the code
> > > block, then we should make sure that it *never* behaves as such.
> > >
> > 
> > In the interest of backwards compatibility and convenience there are a
> > number of equivalent options here, see the value of the
> > `org-babel-data-names' variable for all possible names.
> OK, in that case the example still doesn't work for me.  Whether I use
> #+data or #+tblname, specifying the :noexport: tag in the section
> containing the table causes the HTML export to report the error
> "reference 'table1' not found in this buffer".
> As Bastien pointed out earlier, I'm not talking about simple
> evaluation (C-cC-c) but, specifically, export (HTML and PDF tried so
> far).

This is probably caused by org-export-preprocess-string: it does things
in a certain order, and it probably kills the :noexport: stuff before it
gets to the evaluation of the source block.

It might be possible to change the order (ISTR a couple of cases, where
behavior was changed by doing exactly this), but it's probably fraught with
peril: approach with caution.


PS. Warning: the above is a guess: it may have nothing to do with reality.

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