Hi Eric,

> > That's good news!  Well, the bad news is that it doesn't work.  I've
> > just pulled the current version (release_7.7.174.g63fae) and now the
> > behaviour is different:
> >
> > - :noexport: in the #+tblname: has no effect.
> I'm not sure that it is legal to apply tags to tables, so I'm not sure
> if this is a bug.

Certainly, I'm just saying that it used to work but now it doesn't.  I
think that anything that works despite being designed and documented
otherwise is confusing to the user and should be considered a bug.
I'm happy that it no longer works and hope that it stays that way.

> > - The :noexport: tag in a section including the table still has the
> >   same effect as before: table1 is not available as an input to the
> >   code block.
> Oh, this was actually due to a slightly different issue, which I've just
> fixed.  Specifically the following org-mode file now exports as
> successfully.

Your file uses #+data: where I use #+tblname: -- which one is the
official one?  I have the impression that it's #+data:, but I haven't
come across that in the manual or elsewhere before.  If #+tblname:
isn't supposed to be used as a target for a variable in the code
block, then we should make sure that it *never* behaves as such.


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