Hi Eric, > > Your file uses #+data: where I use #+tblname: -- which one is the > > official one? I have the impression that it's #+data:, but I haven't > > come across that in the manual or elsewhere before. If #+tblname: > > isn't supposed to be used as a target for a variable in the code > > block, then we should make sure that it *never* behaves as such. > > > > In the interest of backwards compatibility and convenience there are a > number of equivalent options here, see the value of the > `org-babel-data-names' variable for all possible names.
OK, in that case the example still doesn't work for me. Whether I use #+data or #+tblname, specifying the :noexport: tag in the section containing the table causes the HTML export to report the error "reference 'table1' not found in this buffer". As Bastien pointed out earlier, I'm not talking about simple evaluation (C-cC-c) but, specifically, export (HTML and PDF tried so far). András