Yes, these all checked out (assuming you meant the second one /should/
be exported -- as quoted code -- but not evaluated).
This is a nice addition, and rather cleaner and more intuitive than
the workarounds I've been playing with. (Faking an inline call to
block A with an inline src block B that takes a variable from calling
A in the header args, and shortening it with a macro that expands to B...)
On 6/27/11 7:43 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
I believe that I have fixed these
issues. The following examples should now all export as described.
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
The following exports as a normal call line
#+call: double(it=1)
Now here is an inline call call_double(it=1) stuck in the middle of
some prose.
This one should not be exported =call_double(it=2)= because it is
Finally this next one should export, even though it starts a line
call_double(it=3) because sometimes inline blocks fold with a
And, a call with raw results call_double(4)[:results raw] should not
have quoted results.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---