
The documentation for #+call is rather confusing:

  It is also possible to evaluate named code blocks from anywhere in
  an Org-mode buffer or an Org-mode table. #+call (or synonymously
  #+function or #+lob) lines can be used to remotely execute code

Because aparently #+call only works on on a line by itself. Check the
following in ob-lob.el:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defconst org-babel-lob-one-liner-regexp
   "^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+\\(?:"
   (mapconcat #'regexp-quote org-babel-lob-call-aliases "\\|")
   "\\):[ \t]+\\([^\(\)\n]+?\\)\\(\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\|\\(\\)\\)"
   "\(\\([^\n]*\\)\)\\(\\[.+\\]\\|\\)[ \t]*\\([^\n]*\\)")
  "Regexp to match calls to predefined source block functions.")

This only matches whitespace at the beginning of line followed by
#+call (or lob or function), unlike the embedded calls of the form
src_<language>{body} which can be inlined.


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:07:57PM +0100, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> I have been playing with org babel for putting results inline within an
> exported latex file.  A simple example is here:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> * testing inline evaluation of babel source blocks
>   #+srcname: benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility
>   #+begin_src octave :exports none :results output raw :var T=25
> format bank
> pb = 10^(6.89272 - 1203.531/(T+219.888));
> pc = 10^(7.10690 - 1500.0  /(T+224.000));
> alpha = pb/pc;
> disp(alpha)
>   #+end_src
>   1. The first step is to evaluate the relative volatility at \(T=25 ^{\circ} 
> C\):
>      #+call: benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility[:results output 
> raw](T=25) :exports results
>   2. Compare this to the value we get at 50 \(^{\circ}C\):
>      #+call: benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility(T=50) :exports results
>   3. Next we use this value to draw an equilibrium curve.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> If I evaluate the code block, I get what I expect:
> ,----
> |   #+results: benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility
> |   7.86
> `----
> However, when I export the file, the #+call lines get wrapped in a
> verbatim environment regardless of what or where I specify for
> the :results header arguments.  E.g.:
> ,----
> | \begin{enumerate}
> | \item The first step is to evaluate the relative volatility at \(T=25 
> ^{\circ} C\):
> |
> |
> | \begin{verbatim}
> |       7.86
> | \end{verbatim}
> |
> | \item Compare this to the value we get at 50 \(^{\circ}C\):
> |
> |
> | \begin{verbatim}
> |       6.32
> | \end{verbatim}
> `----
> What am I doing wrong?  I have tried various permutations of the
> placement of the :results header and various options for it but do not
> seem to have hit on the right combination.
> Ideally, I would like the number to appear completely inline with the
> text the precedes and follows the #+call statement.  I would prefer to
> not have a new paragraph started, for instance.
> On a related note, although the manual seems to indicate that "raw" and
> "org" are synonymous, they behave differently when evaluating a code
> block with the latter encapsulating the output within #+begin_org
> and #+end_org.  The behaviour is fine but maybe the documentation,
> assuming I have understand things correctly, should be changed to
> reflect the difference in behaviour?
> Thanks,
> eric

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