+1 for inline calls. No hurry, though.


On 6/23/11 7:32 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
Eric S Fraga<e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk>  writes:

Eric Schulte<schulte.e...@gmail.com>  writes:

Hi Eric,

Hi Eric!  ;-)

So the problem is that the results are inserted as a separate block,
when you want them to be inserted inline?  If so perhaps using an
"inline" block http://orgmode.org/manual/Structure-of-code-blocks.html
would result in the desired behavior.

Please let me know if I've misunderstood the question.

Yes and no.  I *do* want the effect that is achieved by using an inline
block but I do *not* want to write the whole block inline

I find the following pattern

   #+source: big-block
   #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
     "something complex"

   Here is some text with src_emacs-lisp[:var it=big-block]{it} in the

to be helpful in these situations.

as that can be difficult to do or, at the very best, hard to read even
if possible... I would like to invoke/evaluate, inline, a particular
source code block with a specific value of an argument.

 From the documentation, I don't see how to "call" a src block inline.
That's why I thought of using =#+call=.  Am I missing something?

nope, there is no way to issue an in-line call, although maybe this
wouldn't be the worst idea if only for the added brevity over an inline
code block.

I'll put it on my long-term low-priority stack. :)

Cheers -- Eric


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