> Sorry for the delay in getting back to you: work sometimes interrupts
> and, just to add a little excitement in my life, we had a major lighting
> storm yesterday which blew out my home network!  :( But I can't
> complain: a house down the street caught fire due to the same storm.
> It's a lot cheaper and slightly less inconvenient to buy a new router
> than rebuild a house...
> In any case, everything seems to be working just fine now!

Happy to hear you made it through the storm relatively unscathed.

>>> There are cases where I would like the inline evaluation to be at the
>>> end of a sentence, for instance, or even something like:
>>>   25^2=call_square(it=25)
>> hmm, good example, so what set of characters should be allowed to prefix
>> and postfix such a block?  For example, = before should export however =
>> both before and after would be a literal example.
> I don't know if you've done anything about this but I think it is
> probably not worth worrying about these edge cases.  It probably opens
> up a can of worms and requiring a white space before the inline call is
> fine with me.

This actually wasn't hard to implement, and the example you mentioned
above should be working now, at least according to the relevant portion
of the Org-mode test suite -- see "exporting an lob call line" in

Cheers -- Eric

Eric Schulte

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