Eric Schulte <> writes:


>> Yes and no.  I *do* want the effect that is achieved by using an inline
>> block but I do *not* want to write the whole block inline
> I find the following pattern
>   #+source: big-block
>   #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
>     "something complex"
>   #+end_src
>   Here is some text with src_emacs-lisp[:var it=big-block]{it} in the
>   middle.
> to be helpful in these situations.

Okay, this is very useful!  It's difficult to get this working with
Octave but I think I have managed it.  It also doesn't allow for
parametrised calls to the source code block but that's easy to simulate
with a two level approach, I think.

For completeness, I've attached a file which shows that it *can* work
but also that it confuses the export of lists (Nicolas?) if the inline
code is in a list item.


> nope, there is no way to issue an in-line call, although maybe this
> wouldn't be the worst idea if only for the added brevity over an inline
> code block.
> I'll put it on my long-term low-priority stack. :)

Brilliant.  Low priority is perfectly fine.  A solution is possible as
it stands and that's what matters!

#+ -*- org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil; -*-

* testing inline evaluation of babel source blocks

  #+tblname: benzene-chlorobenzene-antoine-coefficients
  | Species       |       A |        B |       C |
  | benzene       | 6.89272 | 1203.531 | 219.888 |
  | chlorobenzene | 7.10690 |   1500.0 |     224 |

  #+srcname: benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility
  #+begin_src octave :exports none :results value :var T=25 :var coeff=benzene-chlorobenzene-antoine-coefficients[2:-1,1:-1]
format bank
b=1; # row indices
A=1; # column indices
for i=1:2, p(i) = 10^(coeff(i,A) - coeff(i,B)/(T+coeff(i,C))); endfor

  The relative volatility is src_octave[:var it=benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility :results output raw]{disp(it);}.

  If I put the result in a list:
  - it does not work as the result is src_octave[:var it=benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility :results output raw]{disp(it);} and the list processing is confused.
: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.421.ge734e)

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