On Jun 23, 2010, at 10:02 AM, Ian Barton wrote:
The fact that I have let go of trying to follow up every thread on
mailing list is really great for me, thanks to John and David for
providing issue and patch tracking - this is a huge simplification.
And thanks to everyone who is contributing with answers and patches!
The best part of this - for me - is that it allows me to step back
and do some more systematic work again.
So I have finally found the time to rewrite the Org+Remember
setup for org-mode. This stuff is now available in the git repo and
it still needs testing.
I see that org-capture.el org-mks.el aren't in the Makefile, so you
have to copy them manually. Is this intentional since the feature is
No. This is fixed now, thanks.
- Carsten
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