Hi Manish, thanks for checking - this is now fixed.
- Carsten
On Jun 23, 2010, at 6:52 AM, Manish wrote:
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
New implementation of the Org remember process
[snip: announcement of org-capture (287 lines)]
I got some compilation warnings for the latest files. I have not yet
tried the new system so don't know if these are these of any
consequence or not or if they are specific to my setup.
$ make
emacs-nox -batch -q -no-site-file -eval "(setq load-path (cons
(expand-file-name \"./lisp/\") (cons
\"/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp\" load-path)))" -f
batch-byte-compile lisp/org-capture.el
In org-capture-select-template:
org-capture.el:841:25:Warning: `error' called with 0 args to fill 1
In org-capture-import-remember-templates:
org-capture.el:1110:45:Warning: reference to free variable
org-capture.el:1120:12:Warning: reference to free variable
In end of data:
org-capture.el:1129:1:Warning: the function `org-datetree-find-date-
create' is
not known to be defined.
Wrote /home/zms/elisp/org-mode.git/lisp/org-capture.elc
emacs-nox -batch -q -no-site-file -eval "(setq load-path (cons
(expand-file-name \"./lisp/\") (cons
\"/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp\" load-path)))" -f
batch-byte-compile lisp/org-mks.el
In org-mks:
org-mks.el:75:45:Warning: assignment to free variable `re'
org-mks.el:75:32:Warning: reference to free variable `re'
org-mks.el:98:31:Warning: assignment to free variable `pressed'
org-mks.el:99:41:Warning: reference to free variable `pressed'
In end of data:
org-mks.el:127:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to
be defined:
org-switch-to-buffer-other-window, cadar, org-fit-window-to-buffer
Wrote /home/zms/elisp/org-mode.git/lisp/org-mks.elc
emacs-nox -batch -q -no-site-file -eval "(setq load-path (cons
(expand-file-name \"./lisp/\") (cons
\"/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp\" load-path)))" --eval "(require
'autoload)" \
--eval '(find-file "org-install.el")' \
--eval '(erase-buffer)' \
--eval '(mapc (lambda (x) (generate-file-autoloads
(symbol-name x))) (quote (lisp/org.el lisp/org-agenda.el
lisp/org-ascii.el lisp/org-attach.el lisp/org-archive.el
lisp/org-bbdb.el lisp/org-beamer.el lisp/org-bibtex.el
lisp/org-capture.el lisp/org-clock.el lisp/org-colview.el
lisp/org-colview-xemacs.el lisp/org-compat.el lisp/org-crypt.el
lisp/org-ctags.el lisp/org-datetree.el lisp/org-docview.el
lisp/org-entities.el lisp/org-exp.el lisp/org-exp-blocks.el
lisp/org-docbook.el lisp/org-faces.el lisp/org-feed.el
lisp/org-footnote.el lisp/org-freemind.el lisp/org-gnus.el
lisp/org-habit.el lisp/org-html.el lisp/org-icalendar.el
lisp/org-id.el lisp/org-indent.el lisp/org-info.el
lisp/org-inlinetask.el lisp/org-jsinfo.el lisp/org-irc.el
lisp/org-latex.el lisp/org-list.el lisp/org-mac-message.el
lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-mew.el lisp/org-mhe.el lisp/org-mks.el
lisp/org-mobile.el lisp/org-mouse.el lisp/org-publish.el
lisp/org-plot.el lisp/org-protocol.el lisp/org-remember.el
lisp/org-rmail.el lisp/org-src.el lisp/org-table.el
lisp/org-taskjuggler.el lisp/org-timer.el lisp/org-vm.el
lisp/org-w3m.el lisp/org-wl.el lisp/org-xoxo.el)))' \
--eval '(insert "\n(provide (quote org-install))\n")' \
--eval '(save-buffer)'
Loading vc-git...
Generating autoloads for lisp/org.el...
[rest of compilation log snipped]
Best regards
- Carsten
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