On Jun 23, 2010, at 6:01 AM, Puneeth wrote:


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Carsten Dominik
<carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
           New implementation of the Org remember process
None of what I describe is set in stone yet - let me know if you have
comments, change requests or other ideas.

I like the new capture process. All of it works well, except for

1) tab completion on tags (
I have a couple of templates using ^g and ^G and they worked well with
org-remember, but don't work with org-capture. I hope I'm not missing
something here.

I just tried - this is working well for me.

2) I have not been able to abort a capture. undo doesn't seem to be
working. It says "undo-more: Changes to be undone are outside visible
portion of buffer".  I think I'm doing something wrong here. Can
someone tell me how to abort a capture?

Yes, a good mechanism for aborting is still missing.

For now, try widening the buffer with `C-x n w' and then use undo to make the template go away.

- Carsten

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