I had also been scrambling myself about this as well.

I started out with denote (many files) since it was nice and I was using many

Later as I went on, started digging into org mode and wondered about
managing notesin single file.

As I searched across, many comments was a realizaton.

One by alphapapa, who states that rather than a system, notes should
focus on searching. People all over internet prefer searching and
filtering by tags. So we should leverage that as a practise.

Another one when I saw yantar (org maintainer) notes and workflow in org
meetup. He manages single so well with information.

One thing many go for small files is because of bi-directional links,
creating those cool graphs
There is =org-super-links= package which can link heading bi-directionally.
With some efforts maybe someone can contribute good way to do that with
completion in core org mode.

Vanilla org mode has many things to offer which preferably works good
with one big file.

I had been using a one big file for over several months, and I could
never think of a way to go back to small ones (denote or just org)

Some functions really enhance the workflow well.
I'd say tags are really powerful, and helps us to export and filter

I have tags defined based on context like this. So I only use one
capture template to fill in with tag completion or (C-c C-q)

========================== org ================================
# tasks/todos --- t@
#+tags: t@asap t@read t@nixos t@work t@conf t@meeting t@seminar t@assign 

# reading/interest --- r@
#+tags: r@paper r@research r@article r@misc r@book

with below line, I can export only headings matching those tags.

========================= org ==================================
#+select_tags: t@meeting

Also sparse tree (C-c / m) work similarity to show heading with matching

So if you need a small ones (temp buffer), just export via selected

org-ql-find helps alot in searching very quickly.
consult-outline helps to outline the content.

So to replicate zettel or those system with one-big file, I went with
datetree capture template. Content look like

=========================== org ===============================
* 2023
** 2023-02 February
*** 2023-02-10 Friday

**** 14:25 - Why it is hard to be Twin                           

Its easier export content and flush h1-h3 headings and retain only heading 
level 4 for
content and make it to h1 level so you can share to others.

here is the org-capture-template I use for all notes.

=========================== elisp ===============================
     ("d" "D Second Brain" entry
      (file+olp+datetree "brain.org")
      "* %<%H:%M> - %? %^G
:ID:       %(org-id-new)
:FROM:     %a
      ;; :clock-in t :clock-resume t
      :empty-lines 1)
=============================== ===============================

The ID also can be utilized well. with =org-id-ts-format= set to

I can sparse headings with created date based on unique identifier.
(inspired by denote)


In short I'd say, we feel comfortable and better to use wikipedia, wiki,
search engine cause everything is available at one stop with few
searches and clicks.

Similar way searching shold be focused and practised well to fetch

I have tried to explain my workflow which I'm satisfied and use it
Hope to know others workflow as well.

One thing I realized is to not worry about the system or files, and
craft a working way that makes sense and gives bliss (comfort), most
importanly which retrieves information quick.


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