Derek Chen-Becker <> writes: > I would be happy to work with you on this if you're interested in > collaborating on it. I'm a little concerned with the scope, given that Ihor > said: "We should probably fix handling indirect buffers across Org mode". > I'm not sure how extensive indirect buffer handling is across Org, or if > it's even consistent across Org right now. I'll probably need some help > from people more familiar with it to figure out a starting point, but I'm > excited to take a look :)
You do not need to address the whole thing at once. Start by trying to fix the exact bug described: 1. Try to reproduce it locally 2. Find which part of Org code is causing the problem (you can use edebug, M-x debug-on-entry, or modifying the code with (message ...) or (debug) statements directly - remember that you can re-define functions on the fly in Elisp) 3. Try to fix it I wrote about "across Org mode" because my quick debugging revealed that the problematic code might be a pattern we use in various places in Org. So, the whole Org code base should be carefully scanned to see if we can fix the same problem in more places. Such scanning usually starts from trying to regexp search code similar to the problematic piece. In this case, AFAIR, it is simply usage of `buffer-file-name' or `buffer-file-truename' assuming that it is never nil. It is also good for you that the original bug reporter is around. Having someone else familiar with the problem might make things easier when you cooperate together. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>