Hi, I've been a long-time user of org mode and while I already make monetary donations, I would also like to help out in terms of code and documentation. I've been writing software for a long time but only in the last couple of years have I really started to dig into elisp, mostly to write my own helper functions and customizations. Based on Ihor's recent talk, I took a look at https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html and https://tracker.orgmode.org/bugs but it's not clear to me if this is the actual way we track issues or if this is just fancy indexing of the mailing list (both?). Some of the bugs reported in the list already have a message stating that the issue is fixed, so I'm also a little confused about the consistency of the Woof index vs reality. As a first task, maybe is there a way I could help triage things and mark completed requests/bugfixes in Woof? Or do we have a different way of tracking things?
Thanks, Derek -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Derek Chen-Becker | | GPG Key available at https://keybase.io/dchenbecker and | | https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=derek%40chen-becker.org | | Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7 7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC | +---------------------------------------------------------------+