Hi Zororg,

I would be happy to work with you on this if you're interested in
collaborating on it. I'm a little concerned with the scope, given that Ihor
said: "We should probably fix handling indirect buffers across Org mode".
I'm not sure how extensive indirect buffer handling is across Org, or if
it's even consistent across Org right now. I'll probably need some help
from people more familiar with it to figure out a starting point, but I'm
excited to take a look :)



On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 3:02 AM Dilip <zororg@tilde.green> wrote:

> > (looking for good first issues to tackle)
> Since you said this, I'd like to point to my own issue that I raised.
> Even I have not tried to solve to debug the issue (which is bad on my
> part)
> https://list.orgmode.org/87y15bcbi1.fsf@localhost/
> Even I have been a lurker here, just falling into the rabbit hole of
> emacs and orgmode.
> I should find myself some motivation to sit and solve issues and make
> contributions.
> The "future of Org" was definitely inspiring and fulfilling to re-think
> org development for future ahead.
> https://list.orgmode.org/8734iwel1o.fsf@localhost/T/#u
> Also to remind tomorrow (11th Dec, 19:00 EST -- Turkey) there will be
> OrgMeetup. It would be a great place to have more live discussions with
> everyone.
> Better to make sure to it attend as well.
> --
> Best,
> Zororg

| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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