Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

> Clever! I had to put the let inside the lambda for it to work.

You probably do not have to once you use lexical binding (that is - not
C-x C-e ad-hoc, but put things into actual byte-compiled file)

But let inside the lambda body is perfectly fine.

> (defun org-cite-basic-follow--parse-suffix-specification (specification)
>   (pcase specification
>     (`(,key ,desc (lambda . ,fn-args) . ,other)
>      (list key desc `(lambda ,@fn-args) ,other))
>     (`(,key ,desc (,fn . ,fn-args) . ,other)
>      `(,key ,desc
>             (lambda ()
>               (interactive)
>               (let ((!citation (car (transient-scope)))
>                     (!prefix (cadr (transient-scope)))
>                     (!citation-key (org-element-property :key (car 
> (transient-scope)))))
>                 (,fn ,@fn-args)))
>             ,other))
>     (other other)))
> Does it make sense to keep matching the lambda separately? This just
> keeps getting better=)

AFIU, you need to match against lambda simply to avoid the next clause
matching it. If so, you can change the clause to match all ,fn, except
lambda like the following:

  (,(and fn (guard (not (eq fn 'lambda))))
   . ,fn-args)
  . ,other)

This is getting ugly though.
An alternative would be simply

(defun org-cite-basic-follow--parse-suffix-specification (specification)
  (pcase specification
    ((and val `(,key ,desc (,fn . ,fn-args) . ,other))
     (if (eq fn 'lambda) val
       `(,key ,desc
              (lambda ()
                (let ((!citation (car (transient-scope)))
                      (!prefix (cadr (transient-scope)))
                      (!citation-key (org-element-property :key (car 
                  (,fn ,@fn-args)))
    (other other)))

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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