Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

> But that was not good enough - we do not cover the case of specifying
> a lambda in org-cite-basic-follow-actions,
> or passing other arguments to the function than citation, prefix or
> citation key.
> This updated version fixes this, so the action can be either
> 1. a suffix (as in transient-define-suffix)
> 2. a lambda form (as in (lambda (citation prefix) (interactive
> (transient-scope)) ...))
> 3. a function call, which will be wrapped in the ugly dance-lambda and
> where !citation, !prefix, and !citation-key
>     will be (recursively) substituted but other arguments preserved.

Rather than going into recursive replacements, simply let-bind
!citation, !prefix, and anything else we may want to provide around the
lambda/function call.

>   (pcase specification
>     ((and (pred stringp) label)
>      label)
>     (`(,key ,desc (lambda . ,fn-args) . ,other)
>      (list key desc `(lambda ,@fn-args) ,other))
> ...
>     (`(,key ,desc ,suffix)
>      (list key desc suffix))))

All these special cases can be simply handled using

 (other other) ; if not a pattern we care about, just retain it unchanged

pcase clause.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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