Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

>> Could we make !prefix, and !citation work in lambdas? We should be able
>> to.
> Sure! It took me some trial and error to get the list splicing right but
> now it works in lambdas to. I added another helper to do let binding.

I think that a simple

(let ((!prefix ...) ...)
 (lambda ...))

will work.

But you should test without C-x C-e. Need to reload the whole library.

>> We can even make the prefix work as a standalone command. Simply using
>> interactive spec.
>> (interactive
>>    (list (let ((obj (org-element-context)))
>>            (pcase (org-element-type obj)
>>              ((or citation citation-reference) obj)
>>              (_ (user-error "No citation at point"))))))
> I was not able to get this to work.

Just replace the interactive spec with my version and then
M-x org-cite-basic-follow with point on citation in Org document.

>> `org-open-at-point' may be called with point at citation rather than
>> citation reference. Citation object does not have :key property.
>> I think that we should drop !citation-key spec and instead specify that
>> the command may be called with citation or citation-reference object in 
>> !citation.
> `org-cite-basic-goto' handles this by prompting the user for a key, if
> it is called with a citation object. I adopted this approach. (I find the
> !citation-key useful for a lot of things I like to do to citations, and
> would like to keep it.)

I am not sure if it is a good idea.
Commands in org-cite-basic-follow-actions may or may not need it, while
your code will _aways_ prompt user about citation key; even when the
citation key is never used.

If you realy, really want it, we can go into `cl-symbol-macrolet' and
lazy evaluation, but will be tricky (especially arranging for
(setq !citation-key ...) to work.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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