Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

> (defun org-cite-basic-follow--setup (_)
>   (transient-parse-suffixes
>    'org-cite-basic-follow
>    (cl-map 'vector (lambda (group)
>           (cl-map 'vector (lambda (suffix-spec)

This is getting complex enough that you can split out this lambda into a
dedicated private function.

>                     (pcase suffix-spec
>                       ((and (pred stringp) label)
>                        label)
>                       (`(,key ,desc (,fn !citation !prefix))

I think we can do yet better:

  `(,key ,desc (,fn . ,fn-args) . ,other)

Here, `(,a . ,b) is matching a list with 1+ elements, with b
collecting the cdr of the list.

Once we have fn-args, we can simply map over it and search for
'!citation or '!prefix symbols, replacing them with appropriate

The final return value will be (using backquote-style list syntax:
10.4 Backquote in Elisp manual):

  `(,key ,desc (,fn ,@processed-args) ,@other)

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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