It's due to Latex refusing to commit the typographic crime of leaving a
heading at the bottom of the page.


(That one was also asked by an Org user -- the ease of outlining a
header structure in Org does tempt people into this situation, which one
might wish that Latex could handle with less logic and more grace.)

Note that this does /not/ happen with a list. (Try changing your long
outline from headers to a list -- you can do so quickly by including the
whole outline in the region and pressing `C-c -' -- and exporting it;
you get page breaks as expected.) So it doesn't prevent you from
exporting an outline to PDF.


jman <> writes:

> jman <> writes:
>> 2) Compiling this other document will produce strange empty pages. The 
>> content of the ordered list
>> doesn't fit one page and instead of filling the next page, it will just 
>> "overflow" and 
>> "disappear":
> I think the problem is that for the above file is a single ordered list and 
> org-mode (or Latex?) for 
> some reason are unable to split it. For an automatic split to happen, the 
> single list must be split.
> So another hack is to add random text in between! Example:
> #+TITLE: Dokument Titel
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[paper=a4paper,top=3cm,bottom=3cm]{geometry}
> * Title 1
> ** Subtitle
> *** Subsubtitle
> * Title 2
> ** Subtitle
> *** Subsubtitle
> * Title 3
> ** Subtitle
> *** Subsubtitle
> This text here is only to split the ordered list.
> * Title 4
> ** Subtitle
> *** Subsubtitle
> * Title 5
> ** Subtitle
> *** Subsubtitle
> This text here is only to split the ordered list.
> (etc.)
> Now we have multiple lists and the page split happens according to the top 
> and bottom margins set in 
> the header.
> I am not sure if there is a better way to work around this.
> Best,

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