jman <> writes:

2) Compiling this other document will produce strange empty pages. The content 
of the ordered list
doesn't fit one page and instead of filling the next page, it will just "overflow" and "disappear":

I think the problem is that for the above file is a single ordered list and org-mode (or Latex?) for some reason are unable to split it. For an automatic split to happen, the single list must be split.

So another hack is to add random text in between! Example:

#+TITLE: Dokument Titel
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[paper=a4paper,top=3cm,bottom=3cm]{geometry}
* Title 1
** Subtitle
*** Subsubtitle
* Title 2
** Subtitle
*** Subsubtitle
* Title 3
** Subtitle
*** Subsubtitle
This text here is only to split the ordered list.
* Title 4
** Subtitle
*** Subsubtitle
* Title 5
** Subtitle
*** Subsubtitle
This text here is only to split the ordered list.

Now we have multiple lists and the page split happens according to the top and bottom margins set in the header.

I am not sure if there is a better way to work around this.


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