I'm trying to learn more about the publish export option or Org mode. Specifically I am using the
function `org-latex-publish-to-pdf` to export Orgmode files into PDF.
Since this export backend is transparently using Latex, there is stuff going on behind my back that
makes it a bit difficult debugging or customizing the formatting.
My header in the Orgmode file started as simple as:
#+TITLE: Title of the document
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil date:nil author:nil
#+latex_header: \usepackage[a4paper,top=4cm,bottom=4cm]{geometry}
The Orgmode file is nothing but a long ordered list of items:
* Title
** Subtitle
(Lots of text)
** Subtlte II
* Title II
(Lots of text)
... more ...
and so on. After compiling to PDF, I learn that the default "template" (how is it called in Latex
lingo? `\documentclass`?) used by `org-latex-publish-to-pdf` does not handle content exceeding the
page length so I have to manually add some page breaks, clearly a hack:
* Title
** Subtitle
(Lots of text)
#+latex: \clearpage
** Subtlte II
#+latex: \clearpage
* Title II
(Lots of text)
... more ...
Why isn't this handled automatically for me? Is there a setting I should add in the org file? What's
the default template used by `org-latex-publish-to-pdf`?
Second issue: I want hyperlinks to other documents to not have a border. On Latex the solution seems
to use the hyperref package:
+latex_header: \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}
again, compiling triggers this error:
! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref.
This error hints at some defaults I cannot see, making the document customization difficult. Where
are these defaults?
How can I get a feeling of what's happening when using this PDF publish option? I think I need a bit
of a high-level overview, hope the author David O’Toole is around for some support :-)
Ideally I'm looking into a simple way to export from Orgmode to PDF, without
needing to learn Latex.
Thank you for suggestions, ideas, etc.