Max Nikulin <> writes:

> I do not remember if the following idea has been discussed. What about 
> extending source blocks and inline source snippets to allow :results ast 
> header argument that caused executing during export only and expects 
> s-expression with AST branch that is included into parsed tree without 
> intermediate Org markup representation? Then a special org-babel backend 
> may be created to support new markup type. I am unsure however at which 
> stage of export source blocks are executed, maybe too early to implement 
> the idea. The advantage is that no extension of Org syntax is necessary.
This will not help with new extendable markup elements. No new org
element types can be created this way. We still need generalized inline
markup object.

This can help with escaping syntax and spaces in verbatim.

I do recall you mentioned this idea in one of the earlier threads.$e8s$
Max Nikulin <> (2021-12-06)
Subject: Raw Org AST snippets for "impossible" markup

This idea is ok by itself, although we should not use the real AST;
rather some AST-like representation that can be fixed and then
translated to real AST. (I'd rather keep the possibility to change our
real AST; for example, I have plans to change property storage into
vector for faster access---current property list is slower than querying
the binary tree with all elements in buffer).

The downside of this idea is that it will force users into the Elisp
escape hell src_elisp(verbatim "this is \\-n just slash-n and we still
cannot use unmatched } here"}.

I'd rather have something more friendly to users, if possible.

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
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