On 27/05/2022 19:17, Arthur Miller wrote:
Ihor Radchenko writes:

Is there any reason why you dislike transient (now part of Emacs core)?

It is not about me disliking transient, I am sure it is a great library. It is
more about simplicity and efficiency. Entire org-capture is ~2/3 of the size of
transient alone, and as an org user I have org-mode loaded almost always, while
I don't have transient loaded, since I am using magit very, very rarely, which I
believe is the only consumer of transient in my Emacs. So it is more about
lightness and efficiency.

'(("key1" "label1" exec (lambda () ...))
   ("key2" "label2" exec (labmda () ...))

If you are seeking simplicity, I suppose, `completing-read' should be more than enough. TAB shows list of options and it is quite similar to menu.

I have seen `org-mks' function but I am unsure if it will suite for you to define capture-like interface.

I do not think, you patch should be applied. Org-capture is a particular case of menu-like interface, but its purpose is capture and that should not be abused.

I can not say that I really like org-capture UI. It blocks other windows and frame. I believe, menu windows should just define own keymap without affecting of minibuffer.

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