Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Arthur Miller <arthur.mil...@live.com> writes:
>> Instead of hardcoding the actual work in the conditional statement, there 
>> should
>> be a function to be called, so org-capture would setup its own work, some 
>> random
>> "exec" menu like here would setup its own and so on. I haven't look at other
>> parts of org you have mentioned, so I am not yet sure if the approach would 
>> work
>> for all the kids in the block. I don't think it would that much harder to
>> refactor this out, but I might be wrong, since I am not that familiar with 
>> org code.
> There are several slightly more complex things in org-agenda (you can
> set extra switches in agenda menu to affect the subsequent command - see
> agenda restriction), but please by all means go ahead if you have
> interest in this area.
>> Factoring this out of Org itself, as suggested by RMS in the link you posted
>> might be much more work though. I haven't looked at that, and question is if
>> that is really worth the effort? I would agree with him that things like
>> org-table and date/time handling would be great to have in entire Emacs, 
>> without
>> need to load org, at least bigger parts of it. If I remember well, table mode
>> started outside of org as its own minor mode and got merged into org.
> This is not an immediate goal. Rather a justification that we generally
> aim for a more modular code structure.
>>> The above statement is a hint that patches are welcome :)
>> As said, I am not that well familiar with org in-depth, and with other places
>> that might need to be factored out, so I don't promise anything. Initially I
>> just got a quick idea while working on a project of mine with org-capture, 
>> and
>> hacked the 'org-capture' function to implement my idea :).
> Feel free at ask anything if you encounter difficulties. It is not
> always trivial to convert something that works for you personally into
> something suitable for all the people using Org.

Thank you for the help, I'll come back if I have to ask something for sure. I
have looked little bit into org-agenda-capture and org-mks that does the real
work, but I will have to familiarize myself more with org-agenda and other
places before I dare to suggest something.

best regards

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