On Monday, 31 January 2022 02:14:34 CET Ihor Radchenko wrote: > chris <inkbottle...@gmail.com> writes: > > After doing `xdg-open "org-protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE"`. > > The string "URL" is pushed into Emacs kill-ring. > > But, this very string "URL", is not inserted into Wayland clipboard. > > I am not using Wayland. However, if I just do (kill-new "test") in X and > my select-enable-primary is nil (default) - "test" will not go to my X > clipboard. It is the default behaviour of Emacs in X that has nothing to > do with Org mode. > > What will happen if you try (kill-new "something") in your Emacs > (preferably, emacs -Q)? Will "something" be present in your Wayland > clipboard?
emacs -Q, then `M-: (kill-new "something")` Then `C-y` in `*scratch*`, string "something" is pasted. Then go to terminal (Konsole, specifically), `C-S-v`, string "something" is pasted, too. Also, I understand your point, but the fact that the copying is working or not working, in that direction, specifically, after using `xdg-open "org- protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE"`, etc... Is really a detail in what is hindering the workflow there. What is hindering the workflow is that the cut and past in the opposite direction, namely from the terminal to emacs, stops working from that point onward. And that is really cumbersome. And again, at that point the only workaround I've found to have the cut and past from terminal to emacs working again, is to perform one operation of copying from emacs to the terminal. If ever I omit that workaround step, next time I'll copy something from the terminal to emacs, it will end up in pasting the string that has been initially inserted into the kill-ring by `xdg-open "org-protocol://store-link? url=URL&title=TITLE"` possibly hours before, so to speak. And no, even though `M-: (kill-new "something")` is putting "something" in both kill-ring and wayland-clipboard as stated above, `xdg-open "org- protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE"`, is only putting "URL" in the kill-ring, or so I have observe to the best of my knowledge: and it is not the issue in my workflow, only an observation I've made. > > Best, > Ihor