chris <> writes: > 3- if you do `C-y` you can see the URL is in the kill-ring > But obviously there is no reason for this URL to be also in the Wayland (or > x11) clipboard? (there is no law of nature saying that what is in emacs kill- > ring must necessarily also be in wayland clipboard. I think there is a law of > nature for the other way around though) > In any case, in the case of Kde/Kwin/Wayland, it is not copied in the Wayland > clipboard. > Maybe it's in the description of org-protocol/store-link that the URL should > be copied in emacs kill-ring, in any case, it is. > But no it doesn't show in the kde/wayland clipboard (and why would it).
I am not 100% sure if I understand your message clearly. However, just letting you know about existence of the following Emacs customisations: save-interprogram-paste-before-kill: Whether to save existing clipboard text into kill ring before replacing it. select-enable-primary: Non-nil means cutting and pasting uses the primary selection. Best, Ihor