On 27/01/2022 07:03, chris wrote:

First: `xdg-open "org-protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE"` from a terminal.
Then `M-x org-insert-link` in emacs, or not (it makes no difference).
Then cut-and-paste from non-emacs-application (e.g., Kde's Konsole, or Firefox) to emacs. When doing `C-y` what it pastes is "URL", not what I have copied from Firefox.

Just a data point: I can not reproduce it with X11, emacs-26.3, and Org from git main HEAD. Maybe I will try with emacs-27 and Wayland in a few days.

emacs -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp/ \
  -l org-protocol --eval '(server-start)' test.org
emacsclient 'org-protocol:/store-link?url=http://o.rg/&title=Tt1'
copy from firefox
C-y (org-yank) in Emacs pastes text that I copied from firefox.

In some aspects your problem looks similar to:

Max Nikulin. [PATCH] [BUG] org.el: Fix first call of `org-paste-subtree' Mon, 29 Nov 2021 19:02:35 +0700.

But why is there a `nil` here:

https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/19dcb237/lisp/org/org-protocol.el#L467 <https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/19dcb237b5b02b36580294ab309124f346a66024/lisp/org/org-protocol.el#L467>

And why is it working at all from `xdg-open "org-protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE"`, with a `nil` in that position?

Note: `(org-protocol-store-link "U/T")` works, `(org-protocol-store-link "url=U&title=T")` doesn't work. Produces link `[[url=U&title=T]]` instead of `[[U][T]]`.

What is the problem with nil there? New-style URIs are parsed before they are passed to subprotocol handlers. Why are you trying to call org-protocol-store-link directly?

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