On Thursday,  9 Dec 2021 at 16:21, Russell Adams wrote:
> Did Org break your Org editing experience in Emacs for your Org files,
> or did this change just break some of the finer formatting details of
> your exported Org file?

It's been a while but, IIRC, the latter to a large extent; I should have
been more clear.

However, there have been changes in the past that affected the editing
experience but I cannot remember if they were with v8 or v9 or somewhere
in between, particularly dealing with locations of :LOGBOOK: and
scheduling directives.  These happened when Nikolas cleaned up the
parsing, to the benefit of org but at the cost of making some documents

Nevertheless, as others have stated, given the stability provided by
Emacs (parts of my .emacs date back to 1985!), and org being all text,
even breaking changes are usually trivial to correct or adjust to.

: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.1-243-gad53c5 in Emacs 29.0.50
: Latest paper written in org: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05096

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