Am Montag, dem 06. Dezember 2021 schrieb Tom Gillespie:
> [On not excluding discussions about org markup from the mailing list]

Thank you for writing this up. I agree with it. This discussion has
taken routes which I would never have expected. We started with an
interoperability topic and now we are discussing whether the intent is
to take away software freedom from Emacs org users. I cannot help but to
find this connection far-fetched. Nobody is suggesting to hamper
org-mode-in-emacs' further development. All that was asked was if there
is interest in someone outside of org-mode-in-emacs writing up
“compatibility levels” for the org markup. Whether or not that is a
daunting task is up to those who want to pick it up, and it certainly is
not "owed" by the org developers to cater for them. If there are
synergies -- there appear to be some, since the org formalising efforts
do predate Karl Voit's proposal apparently -- they should be taken
advantage of and not be banned from discussion on this mailing list.

I do not expect the permissal of such discussions to turn this mailing
list into a hub for help requests for non-org, or, heaven forbid,
non-free software implementing org markup.


Dipl.-Jur. M. Gülker | | PGP: Siehe Webseite
Passau, Deutschland  |    | O<

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