Ihor, > Search result is just an entrance for users to be curious about the > new beast of "Org mode". The website front page is the means to make > users try. And the Org mode itself is the way to make users fall in > love with Org in one way or another (even unrelated to Emacs [at least > initially]).
i *do* agree that our hope is that people will see the great benefit of, and use, "emacs org mode". however, along with others, i don't want people to fall in love with "org mode" itself, but, rather with the full "running org mode with emacs". at the same time, i have a desire that "the general public" will be able to "work with" "emacs org mode" *files*; i.e., treat them as somewhat more than a collection of octets. *how much* more is tbd; i sort of saw Karl Voit's proposal of "level 1", ..., as being an attempt to define ways of extracting (limited) utility from an org mode file. cheers, Greg