> * Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> [2020-12-29 00:07]:

> Directory of businesses with their names and addresses in CSV
> format. It is not the only file that would have those problems. One
> way to go could be not to use Org mode, but to use org-table-importa
> as that is then much faster, and then to turn on org mode again.

> I have just said my user experience, I am not using org-table-import
> as I find it hackish function low on the scale of usability.

> When importing CSV documents I usually import it into database by
> using the built in PostgreSQL features or Emacs Lisp parsing of
> CSV.

> Org tables I used mostly for transactions but not any more as it does
> not scale up with many people, it becomes hell and it would be tedious
> or impossible to teach any staff on distance on how to use it. There
> is no collaboration.

> PostgreSQL offers collaboration feature with its server model right
> out of the box and staff member on distance can enter their
> transactions straight. So I replaced Org mode tables with database
> backed. Right tool for right purpose.

Interesting. I only import and export xls(x) files, with say 300 column
and say 4 columns containing marks of students. For this purpose the
export and import functions via csv work fine and I have the benefit of
using the power of Emacs to edit the list. The spreadsheet functionality
offered by org (via calc) is enough for me.

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